"For tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today."
African proverb
Legal specialist in providing Later Life estate planning solutions and advising vulnerable clients.

Gavin Ball
The Services I Specialise In

Deputyship Order
Need to make crucial financial or welfare decisions for a loved one who lacks capacity? Get expert help with your Deputyship Order application.
Find Out MoreFamily Asset Protection Trust
Control what happens to your assets after death with a Family Asset Protection Trust. Protect your estate, provide for loved ones and reduce costs.
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Lasting Power of Attorney
Appoint a trusted person to make decisions on your behalf with a Lasting Power of Attorney, ensuring your dignity and best interests are protected.
Find Out MoreMaking a Will
Stay in control of where your assets go after your death. Arrange for a professionally written will to secure your legacy.
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NHS Continuing Healthcare Support
Providing a primary health need can be complicated, but I can guide and support you through the process, giving you the best chance of securing the funding you need. Whether you are preparing for your first continuing healthcare assessment or are looking to appeal a refusal, please get in touch.
Find Out MoreProbate Services
Need to settle a deceased loved one's affairs? Get expert help with probate applications and ensure their estate is handled according to their wishes.
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Will Trusts and Asset Protection
Ensure your loved ones benefit from your assets after you die. Will trust planning can give you control and protection over your estate's distribution.
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